Quick library search: Go Anywhere Subject Title Author Series Fiction Nonfiction Women's History 2025 All in her head : the truth and lies early medi...Comen, Elizabeth, author. Black Buffalo woman : an introduction to the po...Ali, Kazim, 1971- author. Black women, ivory tower : revealing the lies o...Harris, Jasmine L., author... Black women taught us : an intimate history of ...Jackson, Jenn M., author. Blues mamas and Broadway belters : black women,...Asare, Masi, 1978- author. The bluestockings : a history of the first wome...Gibson, Susannah, author. Casa Susanna: the story of the first trans netw...Bleton, Isabelle, 1970- au... Catherine De' Medici : the life and times of th...Hollingsworth, Mary, autho... The Cleopatras : the forgotten queens of EgyptLlewellyn-Jones, Lloyd, au... Combee : Harriet Tubman, the Combahee River Rai...Fields-Black, Edda L., aut... The cure for women : Dr. Mary Putnam Jacobi and...Reeder, Lydia, author. Daughter of daring : the trick-riding, train-le...O'Meara, Mallory, author. Dorothy Parker in HollywoodCrowther, Gail, author. The dragon from Chicago : the untold story of a...Toler, Pamela D., author. The editor : how publishing legend Judith Jones...Franklin, Sara B., author. The elements of Marie Curie : how the glow of r...Sobel, Dava, author. Empresses of Seventh Avenue : World War II, New...MacDonell, Nancy, author. Fire dreams : making Black feminist liberation ...McTighe, Laura, 1978- auth... First things first : hip-hop ladies who changed...Simmons, Nadirah, author. Give her credit : the untold account of a women...Williams, Grace L., author... Housewife : why women still do it all and what ...Davis, Lisa, 1972- author. How to be a Renaissance woman : the untold hist...Burke, Jill, 1971- author. How women made music : a revolutionary history ... In true face : a woman's life in the CIA, unmas...Mendez, Jonna, author. Invisible labor : the untold story of the cesar...Somerstein, Rachel, author... Juice : a history of female ejaculationHaerdle, Stephanie, 1974- ... Kate Chopin in New OrleansO'Neill Schmitt, Rory, aut... Liberating abortion : claiming our history, sha...Sherman, Renee Bracey, aut... Liberty equality fashion : the women who styled...Higonnet, Anne, 1959- auth... Lifting as they climb : Black women Buddhists a...Pressley-Sanon, Toni, auth... The missing thread : a women's history of the a...Dunn, Daisy, author. A more perfect party : the night Shirley Chisho...Tolliver, Juanita, author. The movement : how women's liberation transform...Bingham, Clara, author. A passionate mind in relentless pursuit : the v...Rooks, Noliwe, 1963- autho... A place of our own : six spaces that shaped que...Thomas, June (Journalist),... Rare gems : how four generations of women paved...Megdal, Howard, author. The riddles of the sphinx : inheriting the femi...Shechtman, Anna, author. Riding like the wind : the life of Sanora BabbDunkle, Iris Jamahl, autho... The secret history of the rape kitKennedy, Pagan, 1962- auth... A short history of trans misogynyGill-Peterson, Jules, auth... The swans of Harlem : five Black ballerinas, fi...Valby, Karen, author. Swimming pretty : the untold story of women in ...Valosik, Vicki, author. Tell me a story where the bad girl wins : the l...McGurk, Caitlin, author. Toxic : women, fame, and the tabloid 2000sDitum, Sarah, author. Unbecoming a lady : the forgotten sluts and shr...Oneill, Therese, author. Witchcraft : a history in thirteen trialsGibson, Marion, 1970- auth... Women behind the wheel : an unexpected and pers...Nichols, Nancy A., 1959- a... Women in the Middle Ages : illuminating the wor...Hollman, Gemma, author. Women in the Valley of the Kings : the untold s...Sheppard, Kathleen L., 197... Women's work : the first 20,000 yearsBarber, E. J. W., 1940- au... Express Yourself 36 ways of writing a Vietnamese poemLe, Nam, 1979- author. Adulthood is a gift! : a celebration of "Sarah'...Andersen, Sarah (Sarah C.)... And the roots of rhythm remain a journey throug...Boyd, Joe, 1942- author. The art of dying : writings, 2019-2022Schjeldahl, Peter, author. Becoming a translatorGalasso, Regina, author. Creative nonfiction : the final issue : the bes... The design of books : an explainer for authors,...Berne, Debbie, author. Disability intimacy : essays on love, care, and...Tamblyn, Russ, author. The editor : how publishing legend Judith Jones...Franklin, Sara B., author. Everybody needs an editor : the essential guide...Harris, Melissa (Marketer)... The freaks came out to write : the definitive h...Romano, Tricia, author. Get me through the next five minutes : odes to ...Parker, James, author. How to sell out : the (hidden) cost of being a ...Sanders, Chad, author. How to write a winning scholarship essay : 30 e...Tanabe, Gen, author. How we write now : living with Black feminist t...Nash, Jennifer C., 1980- a... I just keep talking : a life in essaysPainter, Nell Irvin, autho... I'm mostly here to enjoy myself : one woman's p...MacNicol, Glynnis, 1974- a... Joyce Carol Oates : letters to a biographerOates, Joyce Carol, 1938- ... Language city : the fight to preserve endangere...Perlin, Ross, author. The language of the night : essays on writing, ...Le Guin, Ursula K., 1929-2... The lede : dispatches from a life in the pressTrillin, Calvin, author. The life brief : a playbook for no-regrets livingWan, Bonnie, author. Like love : essays and conversationsNelson, Maggie, 1973- auth... Living the artist's way : an intuitive path to ...Cameron, Julia, author. The long run : a creative inquiryD'Erasmo, Stacey, author. A map of future ruins : on borders and belongingMarkham, Lauren, author. Memoir writing for dummiesVan Cleave, Ryan G., 1972-... Memories of distant mountains : illustrated not...Pamuk, Orhan, 1952- author... More, please : on food, fat, bingeing, longing,...Specter, Emma, author. Music compositionJarrett, Scott, author. My life in recipes : food, family, and memoriesNathan, Joan, author. The notebook : a history of thinking on paperAllen, Roly, author. Notes from the henhouse : on marrying a poet, r...Barker, Elspeth, author. On the hippie trail : Istanbul to Kathmandu and...Steves, Rick, 1955- author... The playwright's toolbox : exercises from 56 co...Maxwell, Justin (Professor... Renewed : a New Orleans Public Library antholog... Says who? : a kinder, funner usage guide for ev...Curzan, Anne, author. Still life at eighty : the next interesting thingThomas, Abigail, author. Syme's letter writerSyme, Rachel, author. TO SAVE AND TO DESTROY : Writing As an OtherNguyen, Viet Thanh Truth is the arrow, mercy is the bow : a DIY ma...Almond, Steve. author. Worth fighting for : finding courage and compas...Pavlovitz, John, author. Write fearless. Edit smart. Get published : a m...Mangum, Lisa, author. Write yourself in : the definitive guide to wri...Tipler, Eric, author. Writing an identity not your own : a guide for ...Temblador, Alex, author. Writing on empty : a guide to finding your voiceGoldberg, Natalie, author. Your caption has been selected : more than anyo...Wood, Lawrence (Lawyer), a... Visit NOPL's Seed Libraries! The backyard homestead guide to growing organic...Cobb, Tanya Denckla, 1956-... The climate change-resilient vegetable garden :...Stoddart, Kim, author. Compost : transform waste into new lifeDowding, Charles, author. Container gardening : the permaculture way ; su...Tsimba, Valéry, author. Digging into nature : outdoor adventures for ha...Tandon, Pooja S., author. An encyclopedia of gardening for colored childrenKincaid, Jamaica, author. Epic homesteading : your guide to self-sufficie...Espiritu, Kevin, author. The fragrant flower garden : growing, arranging...Bittner, Stefani, 1969- au... A gardener at the end of the worldKelley, Margot Anne, autho... The green ages : medieval innovations in sustai...Kehnel, Annette, author. The green witch illustrated : an enchanting imm...Murphy-Hiscock, Arin, auth... Grow orchids : essential know-how and expert ad...Mikolajski, Andrew, author... Grow roses : essential know-how and expert advi...Clayton, Philip, author. Growing an edible landscape : how to transform ...Pilarchik, Gary, author. The layered edible garden : a beginner's guide ...Chung, Christina (Horticul... A life in the garden : tales and tips for growi...Damrosch, Barbara, author. Martha Stewart's gardening handbook : the essen...Stewart, Martha, author. The old farmer's almanac : calculated on a new ... The raised bed book : the definitive step-by-st...Hurrion, David, author. The super bloom handbookSemmler, Jac, author. Vegetable gardening made easy : simple tips & t...Gala, Resh, author.